Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Generally speaking, knitters, crocheters, quilters, tailors, crafters of all kinds make things for other people because we express our love by giving gifts that are useful, interesting, creative and filled to the brim with our love, energy and creative heart. It is our hope that we will give our recipient something pleasing.

Sometimes we hit the mark dead on, sometimes we miss abismally, but we keep on trying. The socks I made for my Dad were a perfect score! I know that my Dad prizes hand knit socks above all others, so you would think making him a pair of socks would be a safe bet. I, however, am new to sock knitting, though I have been knitting for decades. I was afraid that I would not measure up to the standards set by my Mom and late Grandma. Add to that, I attempted a pair of socks for my Dad as the second pair I had ever made! Talk about brave....or fool-hardy, take your pick.

Well, I took up my DPN's and some very nice Opal sock yarn and made him the blue/black heathered stripe socks 2 postings below this one. I completed them and handed them over and received a grateful hug from my Dad. But....how would they feel on his feet? Would he like them enough to actually wear them? A week later I asked my Mom if Dad had tried them on and how they fit.

"Try them on?!?!" she laughed. "In the morning he puts on his boot socks and work boots and goes out the door. As soon has he gets home, off come the boots, off come the boot socks, on go the "Lee" socks and he wears them around the house until time to go to be. He has worn them 4 days in a row with his slippers and has not put them in the wash yet. I think he likes them!!"

Yay!!!! Well, now that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling like no other. But now for my dilemma....
When I was a teen-ager I made my Dad a Key Lime pie because I know it is one of his favorites. I took great care in the making and tried to make it as perfectly as possible because I wanted me please my Dad. He is a wonderful man and I have been blessed to be his daughter. So, all went well and he had a slice of pie after dinner. Anxious for his reaction, I asked how he liked it and his response was, "If I tell you I like it you have to promise me you won't make it for me every single day until I am sick of it."

Apparently, I am one of those people that, once I find out what pleases you, will keep on with that behavior until I make you crazy. Hmmmm....well.....too bad! I already have some lusciously soft Merino/Silk sock yarn in a wonderful deep burgundy and enough undyed bare Merino/Silk for 2 pairs of boot socks......and just the other day I saw this rich Chestnut brown sock yarn!

Oh, Dad, your feet are in for it now!

Hugs and Prayers
Serene Knitter